News & Insights


U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol Announces Collaboration with TextileGenesis™ and The Seam

The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol has reached agreements with both TextileGenesis and The Seam for the development and integration necessary to create the framework

Agtech Raises the Bar for Sustainability Standards

Increased sustainability will drive commodity production in the coming decades, spurred by increasing environmental consciousness among consumers.   From crops to clothes, agricultural products

The Seam Expands, Appoints UI/UX Developer, Senior Analyst, Business Development

MEMPHIS, Tennessee, January 5, 2020 – The Seam, a leading provider of food and agribusiness software and trading solutions, today announced the appointment of

The Increasing Need for Sustainably Grown Cotton

A little more than a year ago, the National Cotton Council of America (NCC) launched a pilot program of the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol.

The Role of Technology in the Food Supply Chain

The unprecedented economic disruption posed by the novel coronavirus has created opportunities for new technologies to change the game in most industries. The food

How Consumers Are Buying into the Cotton Sustainability Revolution

A now-immortal line from the 1989 film Field of Dreams encapsulates the optimism that drives new businesses and ventures: “If you build it, they

The Seam Joins AgLaunch for Its 2020 Virtual Field Day

The uncertainty and volatility of a global health crisis has further heightened the hardships of the agriculture world, the ramifications of which are being

How New FDA Traceability Rules Further the Safety and Transparency Revolution

Change is upon the supply chain again, as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration released new traceability rules on fresh produce items in late

A Tribute to Joe Tubb of PCCA

Among Joe Tubb’s many professional accomplishments is his contribution to The Seam. We are incredibly grateful for his collaboration, mentorship and support in helping