The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol has reached agreements with both TextileGenesis and The Seam for the development and integration necessary to create the framework for the Protocol Credit Management System (PCMS).
The combination of these two platforms will position the Trust Protocol and its PCMS to meet the demands for both supply chain transparency and increased access to sustainable fibers and aggregated data from participating farms.
The Agreement with The Seam will enhance the already existing Protocol Platform to:
· Create and deliver a Brand-Retail Member Dashboard.
· Enhance the reporting mechanisms for the Producers, Aggregators and Protocol Managers.
· Deliver a forecast management module that will allow Protocol Managers to receive and allocate available Protocol Credits against Brand-Retail Members’ forecasts.
· Create the tools to capture and verify the initial shipments of U.S. cotton shipped to Protocol Mill-Manufacturer Members.
· Create the tools and services for Brand-Retailer consumption claims, approvals and acknowledgements.
The Agreement with TextileGenesis involves both the customization work required to modify their existing supply chain traceability platform and the ongoing license agreement for use of their supply chain traceability platform to:
· Record and verify article level transactions that consume U.S. cotton between Trust Protocol Mill-Manufacturer Members.
· Create critical traceability maps for all products upon which Brand-Retail Members are claiming and paying for Trust Protocol Credits.
These agreements will allow the Trust Protocol to begin initial pilot trials with five brands in early June and initiate the process of onboarding more brands through the end of the year.
For more information, visit the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol.