In the Know: Bi-weekly Agritech Round-up (January 18, 2019)

The world of agritech is changing every day. Check out our bi-weekly round-up to stay in-the-know on the evolving world that is agriculture technology.

Top 4 Agritech Trends to Watch in 2019

As the world’s population continues to expand, there is a growing need to adapt farming operations through the use of digital technology, more commonly known as AgTech. From drones to blockchain, learn about how advanced devices will allow farmers to be more efficient, environmentally friendly and profitable.

Read more here, via Business World.

Transparency and Privacy: Empowering People Through Blockchain

Blockchain can be used to store user profile data, as users can permanently and securely log information and control who has the ability to access it. While blockchain has already proven its benefits in the financial world, it is expanding into a number of other industries.

Read more here, via The Conversation.

Planning for Tomorrow Means Adopting Precision Ag Today

When she was tasked with maintaining her family’s farm, Lora Howell soon realized that in order for her operation to survive, it required more advanced technology, like planter clutches and an assisted steering system.

Read more here, via Successful Farming.

 WWF Monitoring Food Products Via Blockchain

The World Wildlife Fund seeks to use a blockchain-powered food tracking platform, alongside BCG Digital Adventures, that will allow the organization to ensure that their food is derived in a legal and environmentally friendly manner.

Read more here, via CoinGeek.

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